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Case Studies

We are proud to work with leading organisations across County Durham, from a variety of sectors, to help shape future health and wellbeing in the workplace. 

Pamela Allon

Robson Laidler Limited

My name is Pamela Allon and I work for Robson-Laidler (Durham) Limited, formerly Straughans Limited.


We were taken over by Robson Laidler on 1st April 2017 and things have changed a lot since then. One of the things that has changed is how the company takes care of its employees through the Better Health Award and other activities. 

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"All About Me" Fund

Atom Bank

“We actively encourage learning, whether it is directly relevant to your day job or not. That’s why we give everyone at Atom £200 every 12 months to spend on an aspect of personal development.’’

Having worked at Atom for almost 3 years, I’ve been able to use my ‘All About Me’ twice so far
and both times I’ve loved being able to use it to develop my physical fitness.


Pilates Classes

Northumbrian Water

Our organisation is Northumbrian Water and we have been involved with the Better Health at Work Award since 2012, currently at the continuing excellence stage of the award. 

As part of our New Year New You campaign in January we arranged Pilates sessions for employees at various sites across the organisation.

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© Pioneering Care Partnership 2023, Registered Charity Number 1067888

Not to be reproduced without expressed permission.

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