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Alcohol & Drug Awareness

When consuming alcohol, or drugs, it is important that we take into consideration the risks that we are exposing ourselves to. It is recommended that adults drink no more than 14 units of alcohol per week, but this does not mean that drinking alcohol is safe. By following this recommendation, you are reducing your risk of alcohol-related illnesses, but not eliminating it. The same applies for drugs, even taking drugs once can have a hugely negative impact on ones health, and in extreme circumstances can cause death.

In this section, please find useful resources that can help to raise awareness around alcohol and drug consumption, and resources that can aid in helping you to reduce your alcohol and/or drug intake.

Useful Contacts

Cocaine Anonymous UK

 0800 612 0225

Marijuana Anonymous

 0300 124 0373


Narcotics Anonymous

 0300 999 1212

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

 0800 9177 650 (email helpline)

Adfam -


Alcohol Change UK -



 0300 123 6600


We Are With You -


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© Pioneering Care Partnership 2023, Registered Charity Number 1067888

Not to be reproduced without expressed permission.

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